SCALGO Live for Poland just got better with two major updates!
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We have just released two new updates in Poland. These new updates increase the accuracy of our analyses with hydrological corrections and makes it easier than before to work with land cover data and infiltration.
We’ve used the detailed BDOT10k land cover data set made publicly available by GUGiK to further improve our surface water analyses.
“With this new release we want to give our users the full potential of using nationwide surface water analyses,” explains Michał Pancewicz, Market Developer for Poland. “We increase the accuracy of our analyses by including a national set of hydrological corrections and we make it easier than it has ever been to work with land cover data and infiltration. I’m very excited to see how this will be received by our users in Poland.”
New nationwide hydrological corrections mean better flow routing
We have improved flow routing for the entire country by producing a new national set of so-called hydrological corrections that indicate where water flows under objects like bridges that otherwise appear as barriers in the elevation model. For instance, when a stream crosses a road under a bridge, the elevation model often make it look like there is a blockade since the space under the bridge is not represented.
The hydrological corrections were produced by processing data in the BDOT10k database, including more than 500.000 bridges, culverts and piped parts of the streams, rivers and ditches.
Figure 1. Hydrological corrections make sure that flow paths in SCALGO Live can flow under bridges and through pipes.
See land cover of watershed and work with infiltration
We’ve integrated BDOT10k land cover data with our watershed tool, flood map and infiltration analysis for faster and more accurate flood assessments. For example, you can now click anywhere in Poland and, not only get the extent of the watershed, but also detailed information about the land cover of the watershed.
Figure 2. Click anywhere and get detailed land cover information of the watershed.
A few examples to help you get you started
Here’s a few examples to show how the new updates in SCALGO Live will improve your work.
Hydrological corrections mean better nation-wide flood analyses
When analysing floods, the absence of culverts and bridges cause inaccuracies in the computed flow paths and flood maps. With hydrological corrections we can more accurately model how water flows in rivers and streams, thereby creating much more accurate flood maps, flow paths and watersheds.
For example, missing culverts or bridges can create artificially flooded areas in places where water naturally would run below a road because the elevation model presents the road as a barrier. Hydrological corrections ensure that a flow path is created under the road and the artificial flood is removed from the flood map.
Also, watersheds might be disrupted by roads that occur in the elevation data as obstacles. But with hydrological corrections, watersheds are assessed more accurately.

Figure 3. Hydrological corrections help both remove wrongly modelled floods and improve the accuracy of flow paths and watersheds.
Work interactively with land cover data
Land cover data is now an integrated part of the SCALGO Live platform, and this means that the flood map can be updated to include runoff functions and infiltration.
The nation-wide flood map in SCALGO Live is a glass surface analysis, but locally in workspaces you can now assign runoff coefficients and initial loss to different land cover types. This allows for more detailed assessments of catchment extent, land cover of catchments and volume estimations (depression storage, runoff and Infiltration).

Figure 4. With the new infiltration tool set you can include runoff coefficients to different land cover types, making it possible to get more accurate estimations of flood extents and volumes.
Are you developing an area, or did you find an error in the land cover data?
Cities develop and data is not always 100 % correct. No worries, in SCALGO Live you can update the land cover data as easily as you can work with editing the elevation model. Manually draw polygons or use shapefiles to update the data.
And remember, all data can be downloaded from SCALGO Live!

Figure 5. You can change elevation and land cover data in SCALGO Live and model surface water using updated data sets. This means that you can easily assess how surface water conditions change when cities develop.
Get started
See the introductory video “Infiltration and land use” in our Getting started video archive to learn more about how to include infiltration into the flood map.
Do you have questions or want to start a trial period? Then contact Michał Pancewicz at or +48 221 165 731.