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Wetland creation
Discover how to plan for wetland creation in a farmland area, learn about the practical implementation process and how to evaluate results using drone-acquired imagery and elevation data.
David Thomas is a Farm Advisor from Devon Wildlife Trust who has worked with Scalgo Live and advanced technologies, such as drones, for a number of years. Together with Scalgo's Peder Bøcher, David will take us through his journey at Farrantshayes Farm in Devon County, where a cascading wetland has been established. He will discuss the planning phase, design construction, the key practical aspects of implementation and the evaluation process using drone-based imagery and elevation data.
By joining this webinar, you will gain practical inspiration on how to:
- Analyse the surface hydrology at a site and summarise the results to assist the design process.
- Design solutions in Scalgo Live and dynamically test the effect on surface water.
- Upload drone data to Scalgo Live for comparison and evaluation.
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