Use Scalgo Live anywhere in the world
- Nye releases
Imagine that you could zoom in anywhere and instantly start working with terrain and surface water using all the tools and analyses that you already know.
We are working hard to make this a reality. Now, we are giving all Scalgo Live users access to detailed data and ready-made analyses for 12 countries, covering more than 10 million square kilometres. For all other regions, you will be able to upload your own data, making it easy to work in Scalgo Live anywhere in the world!

Figure 1. You can access detailed data and ready-made surface water analyses in 12 countries and everywhere else you can upload your own data to a workspace.
All relevant data at your fingertips
All users now have access to detailed elevation data and ready-made analyses for the following countries: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, England, Scotland, Wales, Poland, France, Spain, and the United States. Simply select a country and start working.
But that is not all. We know that surface water planning requires many other types of information. Therefore, Scalgo Live includes an extensive library of relevant datasets from trusted national data providers. You will find data from various sources, such as the English Environment Agency, The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Polish National Geoportal, the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, and much more.
Browse around Scalgo Live to see all the fantastic national data sets or check this page for an overview.
Upload data anywhere in the world
If you need to work in a country where we have not yet made detailed nationwide data available, then don't despair! You can now upload detailed elevation data anywhere in the world. Simply create a Workspace, upload your data, compute, and then you'll have access to all the tools and analyses of Scalgo Live.
Also, take a look at our near-global analyses based on the SRTM elevation data with a resolution of 1 arc-second (approximately 30 meters at the equator). Here, you can look up catchments and flow accumulation for any large river system.

Figure 2. You can zoom in anywhere and start working with your own terrain data.
How to access all the countries
It’s very easy to switch between countries. Simply go to 'User' and choose the country of interest under 'Theme'.
Please note that in some countries, we are collaborating with paid data providers and data is therefore not freely available. In these countries, an additional data fee is required. A pop-up window will clearly notify you of the extra cost.
Stay tuned for more! We are already working to add more countries to Scalgo Live.

Figure 3. Easily switch between countries.