Detailed data
All the data you need in one place
We work to collect all relevant data from government agencies and with a few clicks you can quickly import your own data.

Trillions of data elements for you
Detailed elevation data
We have collected the most detailed elevation data available on a national scale. This data in full resolution is the main input to all the analyses we do.

Enriched with culverts
The elevation data is enriched with information about culverts providing an even better assessment of surface water flow.

Detailed land cover
From detailed aerial images we produce land cover maps and use them for modelling infiltration.

Building information
Information about buildings is available to create illustrative visualisation and help with damage assessment.

Beautiful contour lines
We have computed beautiful contour lines at detailed scales to help you visualise the most significant topographic features on top of other data.

More about data providers
Data is provided by SDFI (The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure), GEUS (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland), Miljøministeriet (The Ministry of Environment) and more.
The data in Denmark includes:
Elevation in 40 cm resolution provided by SDFI (Danmarks højdemodel 0,4 m)
Land cover map in 20 cm resolution produced and maintained by Scalgo
Soil type map provided by Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University (Den Danske Jordklassificering)
Hydrological corrections provided by Geodanmark (Det hydrologiske tilpasningslag)
Detailed aerial images provided by GeoDanmark (Ortofoto)
Cadastral map illustrating property boundaries provided by Geodatastyrelsen (Matrikelkortet)
Data is provided by the Maanmittauslaitos (National Land Survey of Finland), Suomen ympäristökeskus (Finnish Environment Institute), Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Geological Survey of Finland) and more.
The data in Finland includes:
Elevation model in 2m provided by Maanmittauslaitos (Korkeusmalli 2 m)
Hydrological corrections produced and maintained by Scalgo
Land cover map 25cm, created by Scalgo in collaboration with SYKE
Land use map 20m resolution provided by SYKE (Maankäyttö, CORINE Land use)
Soil type map of superficial deposits, provided by GTK (Maaperä 1:20 000 - 1: 200 000)
Regional land cover map of Greater Helsinki, Kirkkonummi and Kerava, created by Scalgo in cooperation with HSY
Cadastral map illustrating property boundaries provided by Maanmittauslaitos (Karttapaikka)
Data is provided by the Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information)
The data in France includes:
Elevation model in 1m resolution provided by IGN (RGE ALTI)
Hydrological corrections based on sub-surface hydrography lines provided by IGN (BD TOPO)
Detailed aerial photo map in 20 cm resolution provided by IGN (BD ORTHO)
Administrative boundaries provided by Plan IGN (ADMIN EXPRESS)
Historical aerial photographs 1950-1965 provided by IGN (BD ORTHO HISTORIQUE)
Data is provided by the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy) and several Bundesländer.
The data in Germany includes:
Elevation models in 1-2m resolution from Berlin, Bayern, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen,Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen (DGM1/2) and nationwide 5m resolution from BKG (DGM5)
Hydrological corrections based on sub-surface hydrography lines provided by BKG (Gewässerachse, Basis-DLM)
CORINE Land cover provided BKG (CLC5-2018)
Data is provided by Landmælingar Íslands (Geodesy of Iceland).
The data in Iceland includes:
Surface model in 2-m resolution provided by LMI (ÍslandsDEM)
Data is provided by Kartverket (the Norwegian Mapping Authority), Miljødirektoratet (the Norwegian Environmental Agency), Norges Geologiske Undersøkelser (NGU), Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO), Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) and more.
The data in Norway includes:
Elevation model in 1m resolution from Kartverket (Nasjonal detaljert høydemodell)
Hydrological corrections produced and maintained by Scalgo
Land use map provided by NIBIO (Arealresurskart)
Map of superficial deposits such as stone, gravel, sand, clay and peat, provided by NGU (Løsmasser)
Risk and hazard maps provided by NVE (Fare & aktsomhetsområder)
Cadastral map illustrating property boundaries provided by Kartverket (Eiendomsgrenser)
Bore holes including information on drilling depth, quick clay detection, and many from NADAG (Nasjonal database for grunnundersøkelser)
Data is provided by the Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii (Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography) and Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie (State Water Holding Polish Waters).
The data in Poland includes:
- Elevation model in 1m resolution provided by GUGiK (Numeryczny Model Terenu - NMT)
- Land cover map based on BDOT10k dataset provided by GUGiK
- Hydrological corrections based on sub-surface hydrography lines based on BDOT10k dataset provided by GUGiK
- Cadastral map including property boundaries from Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków (EGiB) dataset provided by GUGiK
- Utilities map including sewage network from Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu (GESTU) dataset provided by GUGiK
- Flood hazard maps from rivers and sea and due to levees and dams failures provided by State Water Holding Polish Waters
- Polish Hydrographic Map - Mapa Podziału Hydrograficznego Polski w skali 1:10 000 (MPHP10k) provided by State Water Holding Polish Waters
Data is provided by Lantmäteriet (Swedish Cadastral Agency), Naturvårdsverket (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), Sveriges Geologiska Undersökningar (Geological Survey of Sweden), and many more.
The data in Sweden includes:
Elevation in 1-meter resolution provided by Lantmäteriet (Markhöjdmodell Grid 1+)
Land cover map in 25cm resolution produced and maintained by Scalgo
Land cover map provided by Naturvårdsverket (Nationella marktäckedata)
Hydrological corrections produced and maintained by Scalgo
Detailed aerial images provided by Lantmäteriet (Ortofoto)
Soil types provided by SGU (Jordarter, 1:25 000 - 1 000 000)
Cadastral map illustrating property boundaries provided by Lantmäteriet (Fastighetsindelning)
Data is provided by the Ordnance Survey, British Geological Surveys, Environmental Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales and more.
The data in Great Britain includes:
Elevation models in 1-2m resolution from the English Environmental Agency (LIDAR Composite DTM), Scottish Government and SEPA (LiDAR for Scotland - DTM) and DataMapWales (Digital Terrain Model)
CORINE land cover of the UK, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey provided by CEH (CLC, EIDC)
Land cover map in 25cm resolution, covering England, Wales and Scotland, based on Aerial Photography provided by Bluesky.
Flood maps from EA (Flood risk maps), SEPA (Flood maps) and WEPA (Flood map for planning)
Geological soil type map provided by BGS (Geology 65K)
Administrative boundaries provided by ONS (Administrative Geographies)
Data is provided by the USGS (United States Geological Survey), NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada) and United States Census Bureau.
The data in United States of America includes:
Elevation model in 1m resolution, supplemented by ⅓ arc-second data for areas not covered by Contiguous United States (CONUS) (3DEP).
USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset for defining upstream areas outside CONUS (WBD).
Flow paths provided by USGS (NHD).
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) data available as vector including census blocks, roads, railroads and more.
Data is provided by Organismo Autónomo Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG), Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) and Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO), and more.
The data in Spain includes:
- Elevation models MDT02 and MDT05 combined to create national coverage in 2-5 meter resolution.
- Hydrological corrections based on vector data provided by CNIG (BTN).
- Historical topographic maps of Spain from 1973-2003 (MTN25) and 1875-1968 (MTN50). - Historical orthophotos in a slider starting from 1956 to 2022 (PNOA).
Data is provided by Federal Office of Topography Swisstopo & The Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU).
The data in Switzerland includes:
- Elevation model in 0.5m resolution from the Federal Office of Topography (swissALTI3D)
- Hydrological corrections based on the vector data provided by Swisstopo (swissTLM3D)
- Historical orthophotos from 1946 (SWISSIMAGE HIST)
- Historical topographic maps 1870 - 1926, Siegfried Map – First Edition (Historical maps)
- Dry meadows and pastures (TWW), Groundwater vulnerability 500, Groundwater resources 500, Karst water resources and many more from The Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU).
Data is provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
The Global data includes:
Elevation model in 1-arc second resolution (30 m at the equator) provided by USGS (World SRTM-1 v3)
Elevation model in 3-arc second resolution (90 m at the equator) provided by USGS (World SRTM-3 v3)

Product introduction