Detailed data

All the data you need in one place

We work to collect all relevant data from government agencies and with a few clicks you can quickly import your own data.

Scalgo Live is phenomenal with an amazingly large library of map layers.

Per Nelsson Westrin
Environmental consultant, Sweden

I use Scalgo Live to prepare data for hydrodynamic modelling.

Francesco Righetti
Consulting Engineer, Norway

Trillions of data elements for you

Detailed elevation data

We have collected the most detailed elevation data available on a national scale. This data in full resolution is the main input to all the analyses we do.

Enriched with culverts

The elevation data is enriched with information about culverts providing an even better assessment of surface water flow.

Detailed land cover

From detailed aerial images we produce land cover maps and use them for modelling infiltration.

Building information

Information about buildings is available to create illustrative visualisation and help with damage assessment.

Beautiful contour lines

We have computed beautiful contour lines at detailed scales to help you visualise the most significant topographic features on top of other data.

More about data providers

Product introduction

Let’s discover a detailed digital world for easy surface water planning