Infrastructure planning

Culverts, basins and trenches are placed in the terrain around a planned infrastructure project and the placement is validated by re-calculating analyses. The resulting flow paths, watersheds and basin volumes can be assessed and used as input to final dimensioning.

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River restoration

By inspecting the terrain model and elevation profiles a river stretch is analysed to determine appropriate placement of river re-meandering. A new river stretch is carved into the terrain using terrain edit tools and the resulting soil balance is extracted.

Adapting to rising sea levels

The sea-level rise analysis is used to find areas prone to flooding from storm surges and to prioritise which areas to focus on. Long-term mitigation plans are developed by evaluating different mitigation measures using the terrain edit tools.

Development site

Initial surface water conditions of a development site are investigated. Different project ideas for the area are tested by modifying the elevation model. A high-level plan for robust surface water management is developed by reserving space for a detention basin.

Emergency response

Areas prone to flooding from storm surge are identified using the sea-level rise analysis and the critical points. An emergency action plan is developed for different water levels by using terrain edit tools to evaluate the placement of temporary flood mitigation measures.

Detention basin

Appropriate locations for flood detention basins are identified using the watershed tool and flow paths. Detention volumes are created with terrain edit tools and the overall impact on flood extent is assessed using the Flash Flood Map.

Strategic planning

Catchments are used as a natural way to divide a city into areas that can be planned independently. Flow paths are used to identify where water can flow safely on the surface, and the terrain edit tools are used to explore strategies for diverting and retaining water.

Infrastructure planning

Culverts, basins and trenches are placed in the terrain around a planned infrastructure project and the placement is validated by re-calculating analyses. The resulting flow paths, watersheds and basin volumes can be assessed and used as input to final dimensioning.

Sustainable drainage system

The watershed tool is used to identify which sub-catchment to disconnect, and flow paths are analysed to place detention storage. Initial assessments of water volumes help dimension basins. Terrain edit tools are used to evaluate different project ideas.


Feasible wetland locations are identified by inspecting flow paths and using the watershed tool. The size for wetlands is assessed using the catchment size and land-use information. Through an iterative process several measures are placed in the catchment.