Use cases
Inspiration for your
next project
Have a look through these examples to get inspiration on how to use Scalgo Live in your next project.

Urban flooding
Discover how to reduce flooding, manage stormwater, and improve water quality with terrain-based solutions. Gain insights from water utilities and municipalities for your next stormwater project.
- 3 videos
- 1 webinars
- 4 blogposts

Landscape design
Design landscapes and develop new neighbourhoods with space for water. Shape detailed landscapes, design ponds, and plan entire development sites that support surface water management and biodiversity.
- 1 videos
- 3 blogposts

Coastal planning
Prevent coastal flooding by identifying vulnerable areas and prioritising mitigation efforts. Get inspiration for coastal development projects and learn about emergency response planning.
- 2 videos
- 1 webinars
- 1 blogposts

Infrastructure planning
Start planning stormwater and flood mitigation along railways and highways. See how to conduct detailed surface water analyses and assess flooding around your infrastructure designs.
- 1 webinars
- 2 blogposts

Design wetlands that support wildlife and biodiversity, and help reduce flooding and drought. Get inspiration on how to recreate wetlands using detailed data and analyses.
- 1 videos
- 1 webinars
- 3 blogposts

Nature restoration
Re-create and protect nature. Get inspiration for restoring rivers and streams, learn about the values of rewetting peatlands and collaborate with landowners to find the best solutions.
- 3 videos
- 1 webinars
- 5 blogposts