Analysis – Hydorgraph

Hydrographs are essential tools in hydrology, providing valuable insights into the behavior of water bodies. They graphically represent the rate of discharge over time. Analyzing hydrographs leads to a better understanding of the relationship between precipitation and runoff. In Scalgo Live, we offer three distinct modes for hydrograph analysis: Contributing area over time, Flow over time, Flow over time with detailed configuration. “Contributing area over time” and “flow over time” modes are available in the Watershed Info section of the right slidebar. For a detailed configuration, please refer to the “Subwatershed projects” (link).

Contributing area over time

The "Length/area" histogram is a valuable tool for understanding the distribution of areas along the flow lines within a watershed. By visualizing the relationship between distance and area, this histogram provides insights into the spatial characteristics of the watershed.

Length/Area histogram screenshot

To further enhance the analysis, we have extended the "Length/area" histogram to show the contributing area over time. This feature allows you to explore how areas within different distance ranges contribute to the overall flow dynamics. By adjusting the average velocity and event duration sliders, you can simulate various hydrological scenarios and observe the corresponding changes in contributing area over time.

Specifically, each bar in the "Length/area" histogram represents the area within a specific distance range. To convert a bar into a corresponding contributing area over time graph, we assume that the area is uniformly distributed within the distance range and apply the specified average velocity and event duration. By iterating through all bars and combining the resulting graphs, we obtain a comprehensive representation of the contributing area over time.

The graph illustrates the contributing area over time, with a specific emphasis on the contributing area at 10.38 hours from the beginning of the event on the map.

Flow over time

To calculate the actual flow over time, we have introduced additional parameters: average event depth and average infiltration. These parameters can be adjusted using the provided sliders.

By multiplying the specified values of average event depth and average infiltration to the contributing area over time graph, we can directly obtain the flow over time graph. This allows for a more accurate representation of the actual water flow dynamics within the watershed.

Flow over time screenshot.