User Interface – The right sidebar

The right sidebar is the place where you interact with many of the features of SCALGO Live. At a high level, the sidebar will show you:

  • Sliders allowing you to set parameters for the various analyses and layers available in SCALGO Live. For instance, you set the precipitation modeled in the Flash Flood Map through a slider in the sidebar.
  • Results of point, watershed, and profile queries, read more about how to trigger those in the toolbar documentation.
  • Options for modifying the behavior of individual workspace terrain edits.
  • Progress information about running tasks, e.g. workspace computations or downloads.

The sidebar can be collapsed to enlarge the map. In this collapsed mode, you can still access all the components of the sidebar through handy icons in the collapsed sidebar.

The right sidebar in expanded (left) and collapsed (right) mode. The "A" label shows the button used to collapse the sidebar.

When there is a large amount of content in the sidebar, a divider will appear that allows you to control how much of the various sections of the sidebar to show.