Modelspaces – Introduction and Use

Scalgo Live supports importing, visualizing, and sharing results from hydrodynamic model simulations, including time-series data, through hydrodynamic modelspaces.

Creating modelspaces

To create a modelspace you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Library.
  2. Click the Modelspaces tab, and click Create new modelspace.
  3. Select a file to open.
  4. Check the spatial reference if necessary.
  5. Choose the layers, and their types, from the file you want imported into Scalgo Live.
  6. Click import.

When importing large files, remember to use a computer with a fast and stable internet connection, if the process is interrupted it has to be restarted. Once the modelspace is created, you can of course use any computer you would normally use for Scalgo Live to interact with the results.

Selecting layer types

In step 5 of the modelspace creation process you tell the system how to map the data in the file to the types of data supported in a Scalgo Live modelspace. Currently the 5 basic types supported are:

  • Elevation data
  • Absolute or directional flux
  • Absolute or directional velocity
  • Water depth (relative)
  • Water level (absolute)

The system will try to detect what type the data in your file corresponds to, but this is not always possible and you can therefore tweak it. Here is an example of this process inside Scalgo Live:

In our test file the system should use the Bathymetry layer for the elevation data, the Surface elevation layer for water depth (and this layer stores absolute, not relative, water depth), we have no velocity data and P-flux and Q-flux should be combined into the Flux layer.

On the left side we show the different types supported by Scalgo Live and on the right side the layers from the file that will be used for each type is shown. If you want a different layer to be used, or do not want to import a given type at all, you can use the drop-down box to change the selection.

Adding and removing data

If the output of your simulation is stored in multiple files covering the same area, use one to create the modelspace, and then click Add or replace layers... in the modelspace dialog to import each of the remaining files.

To remove superfluous layers, simply click the trash can showing next to the layer name while hovering your mouse.

Deleting a layer

Layer removal is permanent, if you change your mind you will have to re-upload the data to the modelspace.


Results from simulations of different events on the same model can be grouped into one modelspace by selecting New event when uploading the result, and then using Add or replace layers... to upload the remaining results.

Results associated to events are then found under the Events header in the dock.

Note that the elevation layer is shared between events.

Hydrodynamic data types and visualization

Flux & Velocity

For flux and velocity we support vector fields, typically represented by an x- and y-component or absolute value and angle. If two components are present in the input data, they will be combined into a single layer, with the option of showing the data using a gradient where the colour depends on the absolute value (Euclidean norm) of the two components, or using arrows showing the direction. The size of the arrows again depends on the absolute value of the vector. If the data is represented as one component, this is assumed to be the absolute flux or velocity, and only the gradient visualization is available.

Combined visualization of flux as a gradient and velocity as arrows.

When using arrow visualization (default for data with two components), the slider is used to control the maximum flux or velocity. Arrows representing values larger than this maximum are drawn in red.

When using gradient visualization, the slider is used to control the minimum flux or velocity shown.

Point queries on layers with direction return both the absolute flux or velocity and the compass direction (azimuth) with respect to grid north in the visualization projection.

Water depth & Water level

Water depth data is displayed similarly to the water-depth visualization for the flash-flood map and sea-level rise, with a default blue gradient and the option of "banded" visualization. Water depth layers are also rendered in the profile window, and update with the time slider (see below).

Depth profile

During import, water level data is converted to water depth by subtracting heights from the supplied elevation model.

Note that the absolute water level displayed in the profile window is the result of offsetting the water depths on top of the terrain model.  If the terrain model is resulting from the interpolation of mesh vertex elevations, the water level may not appear flat when the terrain is sloping.  For some input file formats one can use an elevation model based only on the elevations at the center of the mesh elements, which results in a much less pleasing visualization of the terrain model where all mesh elements are level, but on the upside, the profile window will then show the water levels being flat.

Time-series data

If the input data represents a time-series of steps in a simulation run, both the individual time steps as well as the maximum value over all time steps can be visualized. A time-slider is presented to browse through the steps of the simulation. The time shown is relative to the start of the simulation.

Sharing modelspaces

Modelspaces can be shared with other users of Scalgo Live in the same way as workspaces.

Additional analyses

If you select an elevation model for your modelspace, Scalgo Live will automatically compute additional analyses based on this model for your convenience. Currently we compute the depression map, which is available as a layer in the modelspace, and we enable the watershed tool allowing you to dynamically query (depression-free) watersheds in your elevation model.

The elevation model in the imported modelspace is shown along with the associated depression map and an active watershed tool.

Note, elevation data in a mesh is rasterized upon import and the analyses are computed on this rasterized model.