What's new – New powerful depression map and more analyses visualization options

Mar 29, 2021

SCALGO Live's depression map allows you to investigate the depressions in the terrain and has just become much more powerful. You can now use new volume and area sliders to hide small depressions and focus on the bigger ones. Furthermore, the default rendering style has been changed to a hatched pattern that makes it easier to distinguish between inside and outside of a depression.

Top: The depression map showing all depressions of the terrain. Bottom: Showing only those depressions with a volume larger than 100 cubic metres and an area larger than 0.1 hectares.

But that's not all, several other interesting features have been added to the depression map:

  • On point queries you now get the area of the maximal depression and the area of the selected region as well.
  • You can download the map as both an area and volume raster, and as depression polygons annotated with area and volume.
  • The profile tool now shows depressions too.
  • A banded rendering style is now supported - more on that below. You can use either volume or area to define the bands.
  • We now support volume and area contours, allowing you to easily find areas in a depression with a particular capacity.

Some of these features are shown here:

The depression map displayed in the profile window. The blue sections on the map and profile window correspond to the region selected by the point query on the map. Furthermore we are showing volume contours, rendered as black outlines inside the depressions. In this case, the volume contours delineate regions with a volume of at least 900 cubic metres. This value is set by the slider.

Banded styles for all analyses

We now support banded rendering styles for all analysis layers. Banded rendering allows you to color the analysis layers in three color bands defined by two threshold values on water depth or event. Previously this was possible only for the flash flood map. Furthermore we have tweaked the colour palette to get a nicer looking output. We have also created a colorful slider to help you set the right threshold values.

Green, yellow and red colors show the areas under water in a 3 m sea-level rise of Gdańsk in Poland. The green areas flood once the water reaches 2 to 3 m, the yellow when the water is between 1 m and 2 m, and the red ones are places that are flooded when the sea-level has risen at least 1 m.