What's new – Sea-level rise: Download building flooding information

Jul 3, 2024

Interested in how a particular sea-level rise affects the buildings in a region? You can now download building flood risk information for the sea-level analysis, similar to what has long been possible for the Flash Flood Map. This is available from the sea-level analysis - you simply need to select the "buildings" tap in the download window.  The result is a set of building polygons in the affected area with additional fields providing the following information:

  • The minimum sea-level at which any part of the building interior is in contact with the sea.
  • The length of the wetted perimeter at the selected sea-level. The wettede perimeter is the part of the buildings perimeter in contact with the sea.
  • The wetted area, found by combining the wetted perimeter with the depth of the water adjacent to the building to get the area of the building perimeter in contact with the sea.
  • The maximum water depth along the building perimeter, as well as the coordinates where this depth can be found.

The sea-level risk for this building near Rostock Germany, for a sea-level of 3 meter, shows that the building is first affected at a sea-level of about 2 meters, and that the 28 meters of the building perimeter is affected at a 3 meters. The maximum depth of the water adjacent to the building for this event  is 15 cm.

Alongside the annotated building polygons you also get a layer of lines denoting the wetted perimeter of each building, these perimeters are annotated with the same flood-related information as the building polygons. It makes it easy to highlight the part of the buildings that are at risk of flooding.

The wetted perimeters (red lines) from the building risk download shown in a GIS with background layers from the SCALGO Live WMTS server.