Modelspaces – Supported File Types

Scalgo Live modelspaces support both raster- and mesh-based file formats for importing hydrodynamic simulation results. Mesh-based data is rasterized on import, and you'll be asked to select a rasterization resolution. The default selected value roughly corresponds to the cell size of the mesh.

DFS2 (raster)

The items in a DFS2 file should have the following types:

  • Elevation data: Bathymetry
  • Flux, one or two components: Flow Flux (when using two components, the items should be called P flux and Q flux)
  • Velocity: u-velocity component and v-velocity component
  • Water depth: Water Depth
  • Water level: Water Level

Alternatively, flow directions can be supplied through a current direction or flow direction item. These are automatically combined with absolute flux and velocity items.

If a so-called "land value" is defined in the DFS2 file, elevations at or above this value can be ignored by enabling the "Ignore values ≥ ..." checkbox. This improves visualization and analysis results.

Instead of using the Create new modelspace button, DFS2 files can also be dragged directly onto the dock from your file manager. Depending on the type of data (elevation model only, or files containing other data types), you'll be prompted to create a new workspace or hydrodynamic modelspace based on the contents of the file.

DFSU (mesh)

See DFS2 above for the supported item types. The elevation model can be extracted from the mesh itself (choose "From Mesh").

HEC-RAS HDF (mesh)

Specifically, the .pXX.hdf files generated by HEC-RAS 5 & 6.

The following outputs are currently recognized:

  • Elevation: Cells Minimum Elevation (choose "From Mesh")
  • Velocity: Face Velocity
  • Water level: Water Surface
  • Water depth: Depth

Maximum water surface and velocity are also read from the file.

TUFLOW XMDF and Hydro_as-2D (mesh)

Select the .2dm model, .xmdf or .h5 result file(s) and, optionally, the corresponding .sup and .prj files.

The following outputs are currently recognized:

  • Elevation from the mesh model
  • Depth and Water Level
  • [Vector] Velocity
  • Vector Unit Flow

Maximum values are also read from the file(s).

Infoworks ICM Binary Export (mesh)

Export both the results and mesh. To export the results, follow these steps:

  1. From the Results menu select Export to Binary Files
  2. Add a simulation and selection list, see the Innovyze manual under the "Export to Binary Files" section
  3. Select an output folder
  4. Select the 2D zone tab and enable angle2d, depth2d, elevation2d, speed2d and unitflow2d.
  5. Click OK to generate the .dat file with results

Export the mesh as follows:

  1. From the Results menu select Export to SHP files... (see also the Innovyze manual)
  2. Select the same simulation as above and click OK
  3. Select the same output folder as above and click Select Folder
  4. Click the Tables button and only export the 2D Elements table
  5. Disable the Do not export 2d results with depths below... option
  6. Click OK
  7. In the Export Timestep Options dialog, select e.g. None (the results are instead read from the .dat file produced previously), enable the Export Maxima option (to make sure the file is not empty), and click OK

In Scalgo Live, select both the .dat results file as well as the 2D Zones.shp, .shx, .prj, and .dbf mesh files.

The following output fields are currently recognized:

  • Elevation from the GNDLEV2D field, or from the mesh model (in the latter case only simulation elements shaped as triangles or quadrilaterals are supported)
  • Water depth: depth2d
  • Velocity: speed2d
  • Flux: unitflow2d

Flow directions are read from the angle2d field.

GeoCPM (mesh)

You can import either time-varying water depth data (file names .ein/.aus), or maximum water depth and velocity data (from a Shapefile).

For importing time-varying water depth data as well as elevation data from the mesh, select the following files:

  • GeoCPM.ein
  • GeoCPMSubInfo.aus (optional)
  • 0001/Times.aus
  • 0001/ResultsElements.aus

Note that we don't currently support importing time-varying velocity and flux data.

For importing maximum water depth and velocity data, select the .shp, .shx.dbf, and optionally, .prj files.  The elevation data will be read from the Shapefile as well, but in this case the faces of the mesh will be level since only the center elevation is given.

Delft3D FM (mesh)

Select a file.  The following fields are currently recognized:

  • Elevation: flow element center bedlevel (bl)
  • Water level
  • Velocity: flow element center velocity [vector] (select the vector layer)

PCSWMM (mesh)

Results from PCSWMM 2D models can be imported by selecting a .tsb output file together with the corresponding .db file describing the mesh. The following field are supported:

  • Elevation per cell from the mesh
  • Water depth: Depth
  • Velocity: Velocity

Flow directions are read from the Direction field.

Single raster files

Single raster layers can be imported using the following file formats:

  • GeoTIFF (.tif)
  • Arc/Info ASCII Grid (.asc + .prj)
  • BIL/.hdr Labelled Raster (.bil + .hdr)
  • HFA/Erdas Imagine (.img)

Note that only one layer can be imported at a time, so it is not possible to import water level data, since it requires an elevation model to be uploaded at the same time. Vector fields should be represented as two-band rasters with an x- and y-component (x=easting of vector, y=southing of vector).