About – Data Fees
In some countries, part of the data that we use in Scalgo Live is associated with a data fee to the original owner/distributor of the data. This is built directly into Scalgo Live which tracks usage and invoices you for the use of this data. In this section we describe what data has data fees in which countries.
The Swedish theme contains data products that are owned by Lantmäteriet. Scalgo is a distributor of this data and is obligated to charge organizations a Data Fee determined by the number of tiles accessed and data downloaded. The Data Fee is paid to Scalgo at the beginning of every quarter.
How the fee is calculated
A Data Fee is due for tiles based on or derived from certain data products provided by Lantmäteriet. The fee paid for a tile is valid for a year, viewing the same tile within a year after the first access is free.

Map showing elevation data and flooded areas from the Flash Flood Map. The tile division is shown in a green overlay. There are 35 distinct tiles from each layer, so a total of 70 tiles were loaded to generate this map. However, since the Flash Flood Map is derived from the terrain model, the Data Fee will only be charged once, i.e. for 35 tiles.
Downloading data or creating a workspace for a region is equivalent to viewing all the tiles that intersect the region.
The fees apply both to the raw data and to any analysis derived from a product. For example, the Flash Flood Map, which is derived from the terrain model, is also considered as a terrain model tile.
Some data products are split into multiple layers in Scalgo Live. For example, Lantmäteriets Hydrografi product, which includes lakes, wetlands, rivers and more, is split into separate layers. The fee is only due for the first layer viewed or downloaded, and all other layers for the same area are included under the initial fee.
For more information, including price tables, please see the Scalgo Live Terms of Service.
Geodata collaboration - Geodatasamverkan
Swedish authorities, regions, municipalities and organizations with public tasks can participate in the geodata collaboration called “Geodatasamverkan”, which gives them access to data from Lantmäteriet without having to pay the Data Fee.
If you are a member of “Geodatasamverkan”, you can use the products from Lantmäteriet without paying the Data Fee.
If you are a consultant working for a third-party who is a member of “Geodatasamverkan”, you are also allowed to use the products from Lantmäteriet without paying the Data Fee. This setting can be toggled directly in the user interface, see the bottom of this page for details.
It is your responsibility to ensure that this setting is always set correctly when using Scalgo Live and Lantmäteriet data.
In Great Britain we have made the Aerial Photography for Great Britain (APGB) data available in collaboration with Bluesky International Ltd. Since these data are not freely available, using them may incur a data fee.
This affects the following layers in Scalgo Live Great Britain:
Orthophoto. The Aerial Photography layer in the APGB category has a data fee for viewing and for downloading data.
Land Cover. The Land Cover layer in the Land Cover category. There is only a fee for downloading data. In particular, the Land Cover map is available to view and use inside Scalgo Live without additional data fees - for all users. These same terms apply to Land Cover layers in workspaces created in Great Britain.
We refer to the terms of service for details on pricing for APGB data.
APGB Membership
Some organizations have licensed the APGB products through an APGB membership, and for these there are no data fees associated with using the APGB layers.
If you are a consultant working for a third-party, who is a member of APGB, you are allowed to use the data from APGB without paying data fees. This setting can be changed directly in the user interface, see the bottom of this page for details.
It is your responsibility to ensure that this setting is always set correctly when using Scalgo Live and APGB data.
APGB Data Availability
If your organization is a member of APGB, the data should be available for you with no additional conditions. For all other users, you need to have the APGB add-on before the data becomes available. Organization administrators can enable this add-on on a per-user basis through the account dashboard.
The Scalgo Live user interface reflects the presence of a data fee for a particular layer by showing a currency symbol next to the layer when hovering.

An example of a layer (Terrain) associated with a data fee. The layer is marked with a currency icon in the dock. When downloading from the layer, we show an estimate of the data fee associated with the download.
Memberships selection
It is often the case that there is a way for organizations to have access to certain national data sets without incurring data fees. For instance, in Sweden and the UK, many local governments are not subject to data fees for data from Lantmäteriet or APGB respectively. Similarly, consultants working on behalf of such an organization typically should not incur data fees either.
This setting can be toggled inside Scalgo Live from the top-right User menu. Additionally, the current state is shown in the bottom right of the map whenever a layer with a potential data fee is active.

(left) Some users can select client membership in the user menu, in this case it is for APGB in Great Britain. (right) The map shows you the current state of your selection.
Note that the membership status selection is global for your user, so if you change membership status in one browser session, it is changed for all your sessions (e.g. any other browser tabs you might have open with Scalgo Live). Some users use Scalgo Live layers through WMTS in an external client, in this case the data fees for data retrieved over WMTS follow whatever membership status selection has been performed in the browser at the time the tiles are loaded.
Educational users. Unfortunately, layers with data fees are unavailable for educational institutions who do not have an agreement with us about this. If your educational institution has an agreement with one of the data providers listed on this page, please let us know by having your organization administrator contact us.
Export map tool. Using our Export Map tool, you can get a PDF or an image of your map inside Scalgo Live. Using this tool counts as viewing the tiles in question, not as downloading the underlying data. Note that the number of tiles viewed depends on the size of the document you are producing.