Core+ NatureInsight – Creating Sub-watersheds

For many users, generating one catchment area is enough. However, you may want to have a more granular understanding of a catchment, and how adding NbS to different tributaries might influence of the overall hydrology, understanding things like synchronisation.

Subwatershed (sub-catchments) can be generated and assessed within NatureInsight. To generate them, press the ‘Create a subwatershed map’ button within the Watershed Info section on the right sidebar. This opens a second tab on the right sidebar called ‘Subwatersheds’, which is where each subwatershed hydrograph will be located once generated.

Once pressed, subwatershed points can be added to the map by selecting the Watershed tool from the toolbar and selecting subwatershed as the option. Subwatersheds can be selected in the same way as was done for the whole watershed (catchment), by selecting a location on a flow pathway where you would like to define a subwatershed. These subwatersheds can be renamed here.

When Subwatersheds are selected, the hydrograph window can be selected, and the hydrographs for each subwatershed can be visualised on a single graph, and these can be turned on/off as required. NbS interventions can be applied to each subwatershed separately as required and the impacts of each subwatershed can be investigated at a downstream location.

The + button next to each subwatershed can be used to add NbS intervention storage, as well as editing the baseflow or velocity in the subwatershed if required. The hydrographs can be downloaded as required using the download button in this window.

Creating a subwatershed map automatically creates a subwatershed project which can be saved and shared with other SCALGO Live and NatureInsight users. You can access and edit these projects by clicking on the water droplet icon under ‘Analysis’ and ‘Depression-Free Flow’ in the Dock.