What's New – Scalgo Live Global theme is updated with new elevation and land cover data

Mar 27, 2025

Scalgo Live Global has been updated with the Copernicus GLO-30 Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which offers global 30-meter resolution elevation data. This elevation model is superior in coverage, accuracy and quality, to the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) model, which was previously used in Scalgo Live Global.

We have also added global land cover data through ESA WorldCover. Land cover information is available for global watershed queries, and in workspaces, where it can be refined and optionally used to model infiltration in the Flash Flood Map.

You can read more about this new release in the accompanying blog post, and if you want to learn even more, you can consider joining our Global webinar on April 3.

WorldCover land cover information for a sample watershed in Scalgo Live global.