Core+ NatureInsight – Downloading Data and Results

Data Layers

Data layers (such as land use mapping or flood zones, etc) can be downloaded from the platform. This can be done using the ‘Export’ tool within the toolbar and selecting ‘Download Data’. Data can either be downloaded by drawing a square or drawing a polygon around an area of interest and pressing the download button on the data layer of interest. Depending on the data layer being downloaded options around its format can be selected (this depends on whether the data is raster or vector, multiple options are available for either data type). Projection can also be changed if required.

Selecting the download button downloads a zipped folder of the data layer of interest.

Opportunity Map

The NbS Opportunity Mapping can be downloaded as described in Section 1.4.2, or alternatively it can be downloaded by clicking the download button within the NbS Opportunities section in Watershed Info on the right sidebar. There are two options to download the NbS Opportunity Mapping, in Tabular or Vector format.


The Opportunity Mapping is downloaded in the chosen format for the selected watershed area on the map. This can be as a shapefile, GeoJSON, MapInfo TAB, DXF, or GeoPackage file. Projection can also be defined as required.


The Opportunity Mapping can be downloaded in a tabular format, which can be an Excel or CSV format. The tabular format downloads the information from the Proposed Mitigation Summary, and provides information for each intervention type and the whole catchment. A range of baseline information is also included.


The download button at the top left of the hydrograph pop-out window can be used to download the hydrograph. Hydrographs can be downloaded in Excel or CSV format. The hydrograph can be downloaded with or without the storage measures applied.

Making Maps

Maps can also be exported directly from SCALGO Live. This can be done using the Export tool within the toolbar and selecting Export Map. The map area to download can be selected by drawing the area desired. There is a Simple export option that allows you to choose whether to add a legend or point query information. Or alternatively, there is an Advance export option that allows you to select the size, scale, resolution, and format (PDF or JPEG) of the map, and it provides options to include different parameters on the exported map by ticking the boxes as required.