What's New – Ad hoc layers

Apr 1, 2015

You can now drag and drop Shapefiles (or a zip-file containing a Shapefile) into the layer selection menu on the left. This will import the features as a separate layer (an ad hoc layer) which allows you to quickly visualize and use reference data you might have lying around. Note that this feature isn't meant to be used for big Shapefiles, it's simply a quick in-browser way of reviewing smaller data sets. Ad hoc layers will disappear when refreshing the page.

Rank Display

For workspaces we now show the rank of overlapping segments so you can more easily order them in the order you want them applied to the model.

X/Y labels on profiles

Profiles now display an x-axis and y-axis, making it easier to work with the data.

Better support for vector files

We now support both MultiLineStrings and a number of the most common projections when importing files through drag and drop. If the projection you use for storing your data is not supported, just send us the EPSG code or some other information about the projection, and we can look into adding it.