What's New – Customize Layer Transparency

May 14, 2020

It is now possible to tweak the opacity of layers in SCALGO Live. Access the new setting through the gear menu on the layer. Naturally this also works when you generate links to SCALGO Live or when you export a map. The transparency setting can be used for a variety of things, including:

  • Slope-dependent shading on your orthophotos so you can more easily get a feeling for local topography.
  • Getting elevation profiles without having the elevation layer visible on the map.
  • Make analysis and information layers, such as watersheds and landuse, transparent to see or accent information in layers underneath them.

We have made a little video that shows these examples:

Georeferenced maps

We have added georeferencing to PDFs exported through our export map feature. This means that the map can be correctly positioned when opened in GIS or other software packages that support georeferenced PDFs.

Here a user have exported a pdf from SCALGO Live with the flash flood map on top of an orthophoto in Sweden. The user then annotated it in third party software and imported it into QGIS where it has been overlaid on the elevation model (acquired via WMTS from SCALGO Live)