What's New – Improvements to vector imports and exports

Apr 23, 2021

We have introduced a number of new options for working with vector data in SCALGO Live.

Better support for import vector formats

We have expanded our support for vector formats when importing data into SCALGO Live, both for visualizing vector data on the map, and for creating new terrain features. In addition to GeoJSON and Shapefile we now also support MapInfo TAB, GeoPackage and DXF. Since the DXF format is not georeferenced, you will have to select a coordinate system when you import the file. Having issues with any of these formats? Write to support and let us know.

Get three-dimensional geometry from profile window

We have added the option of exporting the data in the profile window as three-dimensional polylines. For example, if you export an elevation profile you will get a polyline with the x,y coordinates following the position of the query path and z being the elevation. If you have multiple profiles in your window you will get a separate polyline for each profile. You can still choose to download the profile information in tabular form where we support CSV and the Excel spreadsheet format (xlsx).

Exporting a three-dimensional polyline from the profile tool.

Improved download of terrain edits and query data

You can now download workspace terrain edits in the same way as you would download from other layers in SCALGO Live. First you draw a boundary around the features you want to download using the download tool, and then you click the green icon to the left of the Terrain Edits layer. You then have the option of selecting the file format and projection for the downloaded features. As part of this change the "Export features" action in the workspace menu has been removed.

We have also added format and projection selection options for the remaining vector exports in SCALGO Live. Most notably this includes depression queries in the depression map, and watersheds exported through the watershed tool.

Downloading the watershed of the Osa tributary of the Vistula in Poland as a GeoPackage.