What's New – New terrain edit features, soil balance information and much more...

Oct 24, 2019

This new release includes several new features, including an extension of the terrain edit features that allows you to make even more realistic terrain editing, and new workspace information about how much soil you have added and/or removed while editing the terrain. Read more below.

Cross sections of terrain edits

There are now three different ways of specifying cross sections of terrain edit features.

  • The standard boxy cross section where a cross section has a width and is drawn with vertical sides. This is the standard cross section type in SCALGO Live.
  • Cross section defined using slide slopes with fixed user-specified gradients. This is e.g. useful for specifying river cross sections from idealized cross section specifications and for specifying simple side slopes of e.g. roads and dikes.
  • New in this release, fully controllable cross sections allow you to control the exact cross-sectional geometry of your terrain object. Use this new feature to e.g. design more accurate road surfaces, dikes and riverbeds.

New in this release is also the ability to chain multiple terrain edits together to seamlessly switch from one cross section to the next in a longer trace. You can also right click to insert a new cross section at any point on a selected feature and delete other cross sections. See the video below for a demonstration of some of the new possibilities.

For more information about the new options, please consult the manual or contact support.

Demonstration of the new ability to fully control the cross section of your terrain edit.

Soil balance

For many projects it is interesting to know how much soil must be added or removed from the project site. We now provide a workspace-wide total of how soil was removed and added to the workspace using terrain edits.

Workspace near Helsinki. The workspace information tab shows that we have removed about 46 thousand cubic meters to make our basin, and used about 11 thousand cubic meters to create our barrier, implying that we have a surplus of 35 thousand cubic meters left over from our project.

Download depression map

We have made it possible for you to download the depression map directly to easily get the extent and volume for any depression in the elevation model. The depression map can be downloaded as a set of polygons delimiting the extent of each depression, each polygon is annotated with the volume of its corresponding depression.

Workspace redesign

We have launched a slight redesign of the workspace dialog to put the terrain edit tools front and center. To do this we have added three tabs; The Tools tab contains all the terrain edit tools and will be selected by default when opening the workspace. The Actions tab contains the other actions you can perform in a workspace that are not related to terrain editing e.g. share or duplicate workspace. The Information tab contains information about your workspace such as time of creation, which terrain model the workspace was created from and the accumulated soil balance of the terrain edits.

If you have made changes to your workspace that requires you to update the analyses in the workspace, we now display a big recompute button to remind you to do so. Once the workspace analyses are up to date, the button disappears.

The default state of the workspace tools shows the terrain edit tools. In this case we have made changes to the terrain and therefore the recompute button is shown beneath the dialog.

Cadastral maps in Finland

Cadastral maps are now available for Finland and will be updated weekly. They can be found in the library (click the Add button at the bottom of the layer list). Also, the numeric codes used in the buildings dataset that are shown when doing a point query are now converted according to the specification from Maanmittauslaitos.