What's New – Simpler, more powerful downloads

Jul 29, 2020

We have made some updates to the way you download data and analysis results from SCALGO Live. Most notably, we have moved the file format and projection controls to the menu that appears after you have selected the layer you want to download, and we only show options relevant for the particular layer. This makes downloading easier if those details are not important to you. The update also includes new download features.

New features

We have also added new download options.

Lower resolution elevation model downloads

For many workflows external to SCALGO Live, the normal high-resolution elevation model available nationwide in SCALGO Live is too big to handle. You can now choose a resolution when you download, and the layer will be down-sampled to this resolution.

Downloading an 40cm resolution model as a 10m raster.

Download water depth for a particular sea-level rise event

Need to know exactly how high the water column on a cell is for a sea-level rise of e.g. 2 meters? You can now download a water depth raster for a particular sea-level rise.

Downloading a water depth raster representing the depth of the water at a water level of 1.71m.

Updates to the Danish elevation model

Since the Danish elevation model is partially updated every year, it is often important to understand when the data for a particular area was collected. To that end, we have added a layer, based on data from SDFE, showing the composition of the Danish elevation model (DHM). You can use the point query tool on this layer to get more information about the acquisition time for a particular area. The layer is available in the Elevation category in the library.

Current state of the DHM. The red areas are from 2019, the orange from 2018 and the blue and green from 2014 and 2015, respectively.

Alongside this change we have renamed the Danish analyses layers to simply "Denmark" to underline the fact that it does not make sense to attribute a single year to the model. As always, we will continue to update our analyses as the model evolves, to ensure you are always looking at the newest data.