What's New – National hydrological corrections for Norway

Nov 10, 2021

We frequently update the Norwegian model as new input data (e.g. elevation data) become available. However, today we are releasing a particularly exciting new update of our Norway setup. We have produced a national set of so-called hydrological corrections for all of Norway. These corrections should result in improved flow routing in many places in the country, particularly where bridges and underpasses intersect flow paths.

What are hydrological corrections?

Hydrological corrections make it possible to model water that flows under objects like bridges that otherwise appear as barriers in the elevation model. For instance, when a stream crosses a road under a bridge, the elevation model could make it look like there is a blockade since the space under the bridge is not represented.

Corrections (red/green line segments) and flow accumulation around Burudelva and Engabekken in Lommedalen. Without the corrections water would not be able to flow freely in this area due to the bridges acting as dams.

If you want to learn more about how the corrections were generated, please consult the corresponding section in the documentation. The hydrological corrections are used in our analyses and are automatically included in newly created workspaces where they can be altered if need be.